Friday, December 14, 2012

Chapter 12 LOTF

In chapter 12 Jack wants to kill ralph so he sets the island on fire which gets them rescued. They get rescued by an officer on a ship. This is the first grownup on the island. Jack did not want to be rescued because he liked the power of being a leader. In the whole book this is foreshadowed that Jack is power hungry.

Chapter 10 and 11 LOTF

In chapter 10 Jack and his tribe goes and steals Piggy's glasses which mean they do not have a fire anymore, now Piggy is blind. The Symbolic glasses represent Piggy's setbacks in life. There the only thing that gives Piggy sight, without them he is nothing.

In chapter 11  Ralph's group goes to Castle Rock to get Piggy's glasses back. When they arrive Roger drops a rock on Piggy and he dies. When Roger drops the rock on Piggy the Conch is shattered and so is Piggy.  Lastly Samneric are tied by Jack

chapter 8 and 9 LOTF

In chapter 8 Jack's tribe beats, batters, and bites Simon to death. The whole chapter has dark colors like grey and black representing power and death. The usual reaction to someone dying is sorrow and sadness, and regret that they died. Although in this case theres no signs of remorse.

In chapter 9 the main happening that stood out was when Jack and Roger rape the pig. This stands out because the only girl in the whole book is the pig, i was wondering when the girl was going to come on an island. The pink on the Pig represent girls and innocence. The Pig was innocent and Jack and Roger killed and raped the pig in a vivid, disturbing scene.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Reading focus update: Colors

My focus is phisical setting. Since it changes to many times thorugh each chapter, its hard to have one thing to explain to you. Although the colors in the chapters are very important, and I think it would be good for others that don't know the meaning of them to know.

Pink is a color found in many things from the rocks to the only animal on the island, the Pig. Not only does pink represent the girls, ironically not found in this book besides the female pig, but pink represents nuturing, and unconditional love which are some traits found in Piggy between the other boys. No matter how much he is mistreated, he still unconditionally loves everyone.

More colors found in Lord of the Flies are Red, representing power and strength. Black, which represents death and authority. The last main color found is white, representing purity and innocence. More colors found are green, the color of nature, blue, the color of the sky and sea, representing loyalty and itellegence.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

My Books for the Semester

This semester iv'e read the most, and the most interesting books ever for me. Catching fire by Suzanne Collins was one of the most intriguing books iv'e ever read. My side of the Mountian was also very intriguing, i'd picture myself as the boy in the book trying to survive off the land, for fun! A long with these great books the highly popular book called  The Oustsiders was a must read for me once i heard everyone talking about it. 

Although i'm typically not a big reader, iv'e found out instead of just going to the library and picking the shortest book possible you should find something you will enjoy reading, and The books above are prime examples of that for me. Reading these novels has taught me what everyone was saying when "its like watching tv", at first i was like ha! yeah right books are so boring and what's the point of the author saying something in the text, but he "means" something else, like if he wanted to say that why didn't he just put that in the book.  Although that's what most teenage boys thing when books a come around, reading has taught me to see why the author but themes, foreshadowing, and symbols in the text instead of just saying what he wants us to figure out which makes me enjoy reading so much more than last year. Finding out what the authors symbols, and text mean is actually exciting now thanks to these books, and Lord Of the Flies of course.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chapter 6 and 7 LOTF

As Ralph and Simon carry a littlun back to the shelter, airplanes pass over the boys with powerful noise. They were amongst a military battle in the skies. Smoke covered clouds, and explosions were going off often. As Jack leads a search group through and up the mountains the boys start messing around and Ralph harshly reminds them what there after, the beast. Ralph shows some more leadership qualities in this chapter, but i'm starting to wonder if the other boys want him to be their leader, or maybe they need them as their leader.

chapter 7 was the most vivid, most disturbing chapter iv'e read so far. Jack shows disturbing traits of evil. In the previous chapters i was curious how Jacks character was going to evolve, it was  unpleseant  to read the passage of the description of Jack and the other boys killing and "other things" to the female pig. I wonder how this event will affect Jack's newly discovered traits in the future.

4 and 5 of LOTF

Chapter 4 at first was very confusing, i couldn't tell if heat was coming to be and issue or not. When they see things in the water i didn't know if it was due to overheated kids, or the fruits that made the litluns sick. Amongst all this confusion on part that really stood out to me was when Jack slapped piggy. Eager to kill a pig, Jack tries again to kill a pig but this time he is sucscesfull. Jack is so happy his emotions get away from him and displays a lot of imaturaty. As Piggy is trying to stop his child like acts, Jack slaps him causing one of his lenses to break. Jack as a character is evolving to be a psycho like boy, i don't know what to expect from him as i keep reading.

In Chapter 5 after Ralph takes his long walk on the beach, he blows the conch for another meeting. This time he calls the meeting to try to restore order between everyone in the Island. Although as the meeting goes on, talks about the monster in the woods arise. The litluns say that they have seen this beast. WHen Jack tortures piggy even farther, he runs away, suggesting that ralph should blow the conch to bring him back he doesn't, and the meeting rolls into chaos.

Chapter 2 and 3 of LOTF

Chapter 2 reminder me of the exercise we did when we started this book. As Ralph is agreeing that there needs to be hunting, he makes the conch shell like a talking stick. Everyone is sort of obeying ralph, he is representing order between everyone on the island. As the meeting continues Ralph is viewed more and more as the leader. Later in the chapter the boys take wood and head to the top of the mountain. As the light shines through Piggy's glasses the boys set off a huge fire on the mountain top.

In chapter 3 Jack, and his hunters are tracking  a pick through the woods while the other boys are working on huts. Jack comes up empty on catching food, pigs especially. When ralph is  working on huts he starts to get angry because he is failing to keep the hut from falling down, also he is angry that most of the other boys including Jack aren't helping him at all. Simon on the other hand comes off as a mysterious, shady, or sketchy charecter. He walks into the forest alone and meditates, but just as i think he excludes himself from all the other boys on the island, he helps the younger kids get fruit from the tree, displaying helpfulness. So far i'm sort of confused on what to think bout Simon at the moment.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Free Post: Broken Fibula (Just noticed thus was a draft)

A few weeks ago I was having the best basketball practice ever. I was passing, defending, and scoring with ease. Until, I went up for a rebound and landed on my teamates shoe relustin in my fibula to snap completly near my ankle. The doctor said I would have to be on crutches for a few weeks with a cast and then maybe progress into a walking boot, but i have been taking really good care of it so I will never need a cast.

Recently, I have been trying to do a little more than I was advised to. Just sitting their watching P.E. classes, recess football, and sports practices is really hard for me because I want to be out there running with everyone else.  Although its awful to not play my favorite sports, I know it will be worth it later when i'm healed.

Reading Times

 My Side of the Mountain- 1 Hour
My Side of the Mountain- 1 Hour
LOFT- 1 Hour

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Lord of the Flies "Group" activity

The Lord of the Flies group activity was a fun way to discuss the book. This role play like activity made us put ourselves in the charecters shoes, and try to survive as they are doing so far in the book. Although that was how the activity was suppose to go our class didnt cooperate very much. Everyone was trying to be the leader and tell everyone what to do. Maybe that's how our class is, leaders, but we didnt do anything producting resulting in a clash as all my classmates.

Specifically, we tried to use a talking stick and share our ideas, but it ended uo with people all disagreeing and some even had to leave the group. There were little to no signs of survival for our class we showd none of the traights that we were asked to discuss in this blg. Although some classes had success with this activity, ours resulting in many people "Killing themselves," and we didnt get anywhere.

Reading Times (Including missing dates)

My Side of the Mountain- 1 hour
L.O.T.F- 2 Hours

My Side of the Mountain- 1 Hour
My Side of the Mountain- 15 Minutes
L.O.T.F- 1 Hour and 30 minutes

Mocking Jay- 1 Hour
Mocking Jay- 1 Hour
Mocking Jay- 1 Hour (finished)

My Side of the Mountain

Right now im reading a little below my grade level, but the book i wanted to check out, Yummy was already check out. As i was looking through the books and reading the back I noticed that My Side of the Mountain was a book i could not put down. Disregarding the grade level, i think this book is very interesting and im prety sure if i checked out a harry potter book i woudnt read 1 page, but this book is something i can't put down. I haven't gotten to far in my side of the mountain yet, but heres what I know so far.

After his summer trip is cancelled, the boy is living in the wilderness all by himself. He is making his own meals in very innovative ways just by using the nature surrounding him. The boys cleverness, attitude, and survival skills are his essential qualities that are shown in this novel so far. He shows his cleverness by creating ways to cook and catch food in order to survive. being away from his parents and still is able to not cry every minute, go home, or give up. This is his "summer trip," by using his survival skills in ways that you couldn't belive unless you read My Side of the Mountain.

Returning to Sports

Over my sports carreer iv'e had many injuries. 6th grade (Wrist), 7th Grade i had a sesamoid fracture, and in 8th grade i had broken toes and fingers. Adding to the seemingly repeating trend that happens every basketball season, this year iv'e managed to break my fibula bone in my ankle. Although this was my most severe injury yet, it was my quickest and easiest recovery, besides my finges of course.

Coming back from an injury isn't a easy thing to do. Yes, it's very common especially in teenage boys who play sports. The hard part about it is coming back at your same skill level as you were before your injury. You must do hours and hours of theropy just to get stength and flexibility back, then comes the talent aspect. It's hard to play in your first game back from an injury because you forget what it's like, and especially in your first game it's extreamly diffucult to be at the same skill level as everyone else no matter how good you were before. You basically have to start from scratch and take it slow. Last year i had a hard time taking it slow, resulting in my recovery time to increase dramatically.

Overall injuries do happen and are very common in kids these days. Some people think they want to break a bone for attention, but for me it crushes be because iv'e been working at getting better at sports and to improve so much then have to start all over again is a very degrading feeling. I hope never brake another bone, its about time but its bound to happen sometime. I just need to prepare for it i guess.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Thesis Build

     The three short stories I read were, "A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty, "The Endless Streetcar Ride into the Night and the Tinfoil Noose" by Jean Shepherd, and "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce. I really enjoyed reading all three of these stories. After I read them, I noticed that I can easily find parts of them that could potentially become part of a strong thesis. For, "A Worn Path" I focused on characterization to find my thesis. Phoenix Jackson is an elderly woman with physical and mental setbacks. However, in the end, she develops in to a heroic character. I think that the theme of this short story is that one must go through obstacles and hardships to reach their ultimate goal in the end.

     The next story I made a thesis for is, "An Occurrence at owl Creek Bridge". To Find this thesis I focused on Characterization and Setting to come up with one statement. The Author, Ambrose Bierce used strong, clear, and vivid details to bring the reader to the scene and paint multiple senses in the readers head.  Bierce described "The company" by using descriptive words such as "staring stonily" and "motionless". For the last short story, "The Endless Streetcar Ride into the Knight and the Tinfoil Noose", I couldn't create strong thesis for and saw no significance between the stories. Overall I think finding a thesis is easier then most think when looking deep into novels and short stories. This is important because certain themes and thesis' can teach us indirect life lessons we can appreciate forever.

Reading Times

Mocking Jay- 30 Minutes 
Mocking Jay- 15 Minutes
Mocking Jay- 15 Minutes
Mocking Jay- 1 Hour

Monday, October 22, 2012

Reading Times

Catching Fire- 1 hour
Catching Fire- 1 hour
Catching Fire- 1 hour and 25 minutes (Finished)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Reading times for the missing week

Catching Fire- 1 hour, Suzanne Collins
Catching Fire- 1 hour, Suzanne Collins 
Catching Fire- 30 mins, Suzanne Collins

Sunday, October 14, 2012

To Build a Fire elements

     Literary elements in To Build a Fire. I found man vs. nature in this short story, its pretty obvious the weather was a huge factor in this short story. Not only did i find man  vs. nature i also found man. vs self. The part where he tries to light the match but his hands just cannot do it, which ends up with him burning himself causing burns spread across his hands.

     Along with conflicts i also found foreshadowing, the constant vivid detail of the blistering cold foreshadows the way that the weather will not be getting sunny anytime soon. Also when he falls in the freezing water it foreshadows that there will be more unlucky happenings to come.

Reading times
catching fire-1 hour
catching fire 1 hour
short stories- 30 minutes

english this year

English class this year has been more challenging for me this year than the previous years. This year in class we discussed how to write, how to read, and touched on literary elements. An everyday english class would consist of 10 minutes of reading at the beginning of class followed by the lesson.

 The hardest thing for me to do this year would be writing papers, A grade papers. The reason im not good at writing is because i dont know how to include themes, motifs, or even develop a character.  I hope in the second quarter we can get all my problems straight.

Monday, October 1, 2012

To Build a Fire

     The short story To Build a Fire was filled with foreshadowing and an abundance of detail.  About midway through the book when the man falls in the water you can get an idea that this book is not going to end well. The way we constantly talks about the cold ,wet weather foreshadows the way the weather will not change throughout the whole book.

     Lastly, when the man uses the dog to see in the frozen over water will hold the weight it was taken as cruel. Although if you were in a life or death situation most of the people would probably do the same thing. The man tried to kill the dog before but he was physically uncapable to work his frozen hands. Next when he drops the matches, then tries to build a fire resulting in burns all over his hands, this book ends with the man collapsing, and the dog surviving the frigid cold.

Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins, 1 hour

Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins, 1 hour
Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins, 30 minutes (finished)
Catching Fire-   Suzanne Collins, 15 minutes

Hunting trips

As i just came home from the outing, what better thing to post about then my hunting trip with my grandfather. Ever since i was old enough to hold my cut down BB gun my grandfather has taken me out to isolaed, venton Louisiana near lake charles to go do his favorite thing whch is duck hunt.

As the distincted crack of my 12 gauge shot gun connects with the high flying bird, sending it plumminting through the water causing my grandfather look at me with the happiest face I have ever seen him express. Everytime I shoot a bird, or even tell him ill go hunting, he immediantly puts on his happy visage, until we both leave the camp. It is his favorite thing, and when i go with him its really fun. I cant wait to go next time.

I am a writer who

I am a writer who is very unorganized, and sometimes lost in my writing. When i write, like the narrative for example, i would finish a paragraph and then go way off topic like i was writing a whole different paper. It was hard for me to make things flow together and make smooth transitions. Since i have these issues in my writing i often write the whole thing, read it, then end up  re doing a lot of sentences.
 I guess you could say i am a disorganized, lost, choppy writer.

Although these are all obviously not on the list for traits of good writing, I always go back, and relieze why did i even say that? and i have to change my paper instantly. There comes a point in time where i need to just should write it once.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Hunger Games

     Recently, I have gotten extreamly interested in the fiction trill, The HUnger Games by suzanne collins. The reason I am interested in this book so far is that it doesnt take a while for there to be action in this book. Most of the time id pick up I book I thought would be interesting and and take forever for the intreaging scences you find in the hunger games right away to develop.
     The Hunger Gmaes, so far seems like the erfect book for me. Disregarding its length, for some people its short; for me its really long, this book has vivid deatils contrasting every scene which sometimes is hard to follow but it has been the best book I have read so far.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Outsiders contrasted with The Hunger Games

     As i continue to read The Outsiders i have noticed similarities in The Hunger Games which i have also started this week. Since i have seen The Hunger Games movie i already know alot about the concept,m themes, and most of the plot hat is going on, but i wanted to read the whole trilogy. Although these books may seem very far from similar, as i started contrasting the two i noticed huge relations.

     Both of these books involve the violence combined with growing up theme. As Prim is picked to go fight to the death at the Hunger Games, Katniss volunteered as tribute to protect her sister. This is a sign of growing up and realizing whats important in life. For The Outsiders, the gang life of the Ghetto didn't seem like Ponyboys type of life when he stabbed a Soc in self defense. As i read both books I also notice that both of the Authors are Girls, when both of these subjects seem very manly, gruesome, and and action packed, for  from the usual chick-lit genre.

Ideas for my Literacy Narrative

     To be honest, I am hesitant in writing my literacy narrative because I am not big on writing or reading. Last year, I struggled reading books because I never found one that I just could not put down. What is different this year, is that I realized its not reading that I don't like; it's just that I have been picking the wrong books. I now know that I should take time to find a book that speaks to me and what I am interested in, as opposed to last year when I would just pick the first book I could find in the library.

     For my paper, I am going to write about this epiphany, and try to let everyone know that reading and writing are extremely important in life. Without these aspects of English, it would be hard to do anything in life if you want to succeed. Although I have an idea, the concept of a literacy narrative is still a blur to me. I need some explanation other than google, because google is very broad.  I would rather a explanation that relates this specific class more.

Reading For this week
The Outsiders- S.E Hinton 20 minutes
The Outsiders - S.E. Hinton 25 minutes
The Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins  1 hour
The Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins  45 minutes

Monday, September 10, 2012

Comment Responces

     For my response to the comments i received for my Octopus blog. Tre and Katie showed interest in Marine Aquariums Systems and Invertebrates, so i would like this post to respond to them. First of all i am glad i posted the response in a way that seemed appealing to y'all even though y'all have never had a saltwater fish tank or anything like that. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone because the reward top setting up a piece of nature in your own home is second to none. To see colorful, active fish swimming in your room that would never have a chance to see unless you went diving in Hawaii is fascinating.

     Although it is an amazing thing to experience, there are many elements about a saltwater tank that no one knows like what types of filters for whatever tank, what fish can live in harmony with the others, and and testing your water making sure your water chemistry is perfect. Overall this book has taught me so much that i just got a new tank that will be installed tomorrow, if you have the time and really want a piece f nature in your house, i would strongly recommend a saltwater aquarium.

The Outsiders

        This week I chose to start a new book, The Outsiders. I chose The Outsiders because Bennett and I did a project together, and his book seemed  interesting. The Outsiders is about a guy named Ponyboy, who lives in the ghetto and has never really experienced life outside of this neighborhood. The "Socs" are a rich kid gang that is running the neighborhood. One of the "Socs" comes after Ponyboy, and in self defense he stabs the gang member.

Starting this book, made me reflect on how lucky I am to live in a safe neighborhood where violence is absent. Many of  Ponyboy's friends are taught man hood through gang life, while we cant learn it through sports. Yet you can still be tough through sports, its a good way to meet friends, and hang out with them, and learn sportsmanship. While in a gang with guns, knifes, and drugs, they're taught a total opposite masculinity than we are.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Reading post

9/3- 1 hour- The Outsiders, S.E Hinton. Pg 1-43
9/4- 20 minutes- The Outsiders, S.E Hinton. Pg 39-55
9/5- 10 minutes- The Outsiders, S.E Hinton. Pg 55-61
9/6- 1 hour- The Outsiders, S.E Hinton. Pg 61-103
9/7- 1 hour- Marine Aquarium Reference, Martin Moe Jr. Pg 460-511

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Aquarium Knowledge continued: Corals

     As I Continue to read the Marine Aquarium Reference, I have learned many details on broad subjects such as, corals, fish, invertebrates, and marine systems. Moving on from the octopus obsession, I now am wanting a larger tank with corals, and more fish. This book has really helped me in getting great ideas to improve my tank.  At first, I had no idea what a sump refugium or scroll coral was, or even that sand is considered live. 

     On Friday of this week, I am going to set up a coral reef tank with coral friendly fish. The books broad subjects on corals helped me a lot in deciding what colors I want for the tank to make it as bright and easy to manage as possible. This book also talks about systems. A system is a word for ecosystem that includes  live sand, live rock, corals, and fish.  
They all work together to sustain life and live together in harmony when you set it up correctly. 
Thank goodness I have this book to guide me, or my tank would be looking like hurricane Isaac!

Wanted: Octopus

For My free read, I chose The marine Aquarium Reference. The reason I am interested in this book is because I have a saltwater aquarium in my room with many fish and corals. I thought this book would be great to refer to when I'm setting up my larger tank later this week.  The theme is fish and aquatic life, and I learned many new things about filter systems, fish, and many neat facts.

Although I got this book for reference, I had a crazy discovery. As I'm flipping through this book I see the octopus section. Right when I saw this, I was dead set I wanted an octopus. Big eyes with 8 wavy tentacles for arms and legs luring in the dark cave of my home aquarium would be a fun thing to experience and be able to watch every day.  Since I'm very interested, I keep reading, "The most Common Octopus in marine trade is the Blue ringed Octopus", which has a poisonous bite that is fatal for humans if bitten.  So I start thinking...and reading on about the octopus.

The Octopus is an escape artist, squeezing through unsealed aquariums flopping on the floor, looking for sleeping prey. The Octopus is a nocturnal invertebrate that feeds in the night, and with his venomos bite is eager to escape. The fact that he is looking for prey with a bite that could kill me while I'm fast asleep made me veer off the octopus obsession rather abruptly!  Although octopus are fascinating sea creatures,  I dont think there rightful home is in an aquarium, and I don't think I could sleep in my house with the fear in my mind that any noise in the night could be an octupus on the prowl. I can see the headlines now,  "Octopus on the loose and tentacle mark tracks have the cops looking at 1520 Ingleside Dr. from where it came from.... uh oh!

8/20- 30 min- Marine Aquarium Reference, Martin Moe Jr. Pg 1-39
8/21- 15 min- Marine Aquarium Reference, Martin Moe Jr. Pg 39-55
8/23- 1 hour - Marine Aquarium Reference, Martin Moe Jr. Pg 55-107
8/24- 15 min- Marine Aquarium Reference, Martin Moe Jr. Pg 107-205
8/25- 20 min- Marine Aquarium Reference, Martin Moe Jr. Pg 205-215
8/26-1 hour- Marine Aquariums Reference, Martin Moe Jr. Pg 215-290

8/27-30 min-Marine Aquariums Reference,Martin Moe Jr. Pg 290-311
8/28-15 min-Marine Aquariums Reference, Martin Moe Jr. Pg 311-328
8/29-1 hour-Marine Aquariums Reference, Martin Moe Jr. Pg 328-381
8/30-30 min-Marine Aquariums Reference, Martin Moe Jr. Pg 381-410
9/1-20 min-Marine Aquariums Reference, Martin Moe Jr. Pg 410-428
9/2-45 min-Marine Aquariums Reference, Martin Moe Jr. Pg 428-460

Sunday, September 2, 2012

In defense of school hours a sleepers manefesto

     I believe school house should be shortened for the average high school and middle school student. The average attention span of a middle schooler or young high school student, especially if you have ADHD or ADD. With shorter classes I believe students will be able to focus during all of class rather than tuning out in the middle. Although this is a good point the main reason I would prefer shorter classes is because the day will be shorter and I would be able to sleep in. With a longer amount of time to sleep, students would be able to pay attention longer, without falling asleep.
     With students living far away from school, some get up as early as five in the morning. Even adding thirty minutes to a couple of hours would benefit those students greatly, to having longer breakfasts, and be able to get their minds ready for the day ahead. Another problem with the long classes are fifty-five, there should be a five minute break in between each class for students to re-focus. While this arrangment may be difficult for schools to restart their average days, I believe the overall outcome will cause more students to be more efficient in school and in life.

Moment In Isaac

   I glanced out my window to see the wind wiping through the trees creating a dance with the branches. The leaves flew across the street with each powerful blow. The cars were hidden under houses during the storm. I heard the thunder echoing in the silence. Lighting stroke not far away from my neighborhood. My house was mute while the storm continued. The rain slashed against the drain pipe with each drop.
   I stepped outside when the storm grew softer, and the rain less frequent. The thunder was too far away to be of a threat for my neighborhood and I. My driveway was covered with pine-cones and branches. The houses that surrounded mine were shaking in the continuous wind. A full tree was knocked over, blocking the road, with it's dark bark falling onto the pavement. Overall, Isaac caused casualties for my neighbors, my friends, and my family but everything was fine and we were safe.

Monday, August 20, 2012

In Defense of Food review

I did not really like the book, In Defense of Food. I do think it is an important book for Americans in general because we are a nation affected by obesity. However, since I am a skinny ninth grade boy, I found it boring. I have trouble gaining weight, so the parts about losing weight didn't relate to me, but I did like hearing some of the tips about just being healthy. The tip to not buy your food where you buy your fuel makes sense. I also thought the rule to shop around the edges of the grocery store is a good idea. I never thought about how the grocery store sets the food up and how food companies market their food as healthy when it really isn't. The best example of that was the comment that a sweet potato sits quietly like a stroke victim, while the cereal has packaging that claims all kinds of health benefits.

As far as the actual writing, I found it hard to follow and had to get some help from my mom to understand what it was saying. The nutritional words were hard to pronounce and the first part of the book about the goverment and food regulations was technical and hard to follow. I felt like the book could have been have the pages if the author had just gone right to the basics and made his point without all the wordy language.

It counts now.

     My goals for this upcoming school year is to make good grades, preferably all A's and few B's. The most challenging thing for me last year was organiation. I would do my homework but then loose points because i couldnt find it, which killed me because many times i was so close to an A or so close to a B that if i was more organized i would have gotten.

     This year everything counts toward your GPA, College transcripts and down the road, appling for a job. Highschool is very important to do well in everything you do so that when you are ready to go to college you can go wherever you want. Thats what's making me make sure every paper is safe away in my binder, making sure i do all homework assighnments, and studying really hard in advace for tests and quizzes. I hope this year starts a new trend for the remainder of highschool to do well.