Sunday, September 2, 2012

In defense of school hours a sleepers manefesto

     I believe school house should be shortened for the average high school and middle school student. The average attention span of a middle schooler or young high school student, especially if you have ADHD or ADD. With shorter classes I believe students will be able to focus during all of class rather than tuning out in the middle. Although this is a good point the main reason I would prefer shorter classes is because the day will be shorter and I would be able to sleep in. With a longer amount of time to sleep, students would be able to pay attention longer, without falling asleep.
     With students living far away from school, some get up as early as five in the morning. Even adding thirty minutes to a couple of hours would benefit those students greatly, to having longer breakfasts, and be able to get their minds ready for the day ahead. Another problem with the long classes are fifty-five, there should be a five minute break in between each class for students to re-focus. While this arrangment may be difficult for schools to restart their average days, I believe the overall outcome will cause more students to be more efficient in school and in life.


  1. Tad, I appreciate your argument about shortening the day to accommodate teenage attention spans. I wonder how you would answer the argument that has often been made for lengthening the school day - that American students' test scores are dropping in comparison with other countries. Please pay attention to punctuation and sentence structure. Your title, for instance, should be "In Defense of School Hours: A Sleeper's Manifesto." Also, your second sentence is a fragment. Where is your reading response from last week?

  2. The title of your blog, too, should have a apostrophe in it.
