Monday, August 20, 2012

It counts now.

     My goals for this upcoming school year is to make good grades, preferably all A's and few B's. The most challenging thing for me last year was organiation. I would do my homework but then loose points because i couldnt find it, which killed me because many times i was so close to an A or so close to a B that if i was more organized i would have gotten.

     This year everything counts toward your GPA, College transcripts and down the road, appling for a job. Highschool is very important to do well in everything you do so that when you are ready to go to college you can go wherever you want. Thats what's making me make sure every paper is safe away in my binder, making sure i do all homework assighnments, and studying really hard in advace for tests and quizzes. I hope this year starts a new trend for the remainder of highschool to do well.


  1. I FINALLY FOUND A BLOG WITH NO COMMENTS. I lost points all the time for the same reasons. And keeping your grades up for college applications is a pretty good idea. Keep it up

  2. Best advice ever!!! I think that this will help for sure with losing points for losing work, it happens to me all the time. I hope everything goes as planed!
