Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Returning to Sports

Over my sports carreer iv'e had many injuries. 6th grade (Wrist), 7th Grade i had a sesamoid fracture, and in 8th grade i had broken toes and fingers. Adding to the seemingly repeating trend that happens every basketball season, this year iv'e managed to break my fibula bone in my ankle. Although this was my most severe injury yet, it was my quickest and easiest recovery, besides my finges of course.

Coming back from an injury isn't a easy thing to do. Yes, it's very common especially in teenage boys who play sports. The hard part about it is coming back at your same skill level as you were before your injury. You must do hours and hours of theropy just to get stength and flexibility back, then comes the talent aspect. It's hard to play in your first game back from an injury because you forget what it's like, and especially in your first game it's extreamly diffucult to be at the same skill level as everyone else no matter how good you were before. You basically have to start from scratch and take it slow. Last year i had a hard time taking it slow, resulting in my recovery time to increase dramatically.

Overall injuries do happen and are very common in kids these days. Some people think they want to break a bone for attention, but for me it crushes be because iv'e been working at getting better at sports and to improve so much then have to start all over again is a very degrading feeling. I hope never brake another bone, its about time but its bound to happen sometime. I just need to prepare for it i guess.

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