Monday, March 11, 2013

Nervous Conditions: Chapter 9-10

In Chapter 9 It is revealed that Education is affecting not only Tambu, but her family as well. As the chapter progresses, Tambu is offered a scholarship although Babamukuru won't allow her to go. Later, after talking to Jeremiah, Tambu is finally given the chance to leave the mission to go to this "White School". Ma'shingayi suffers from anxiety that her daughter is attending this english based school and is having a hard time dealing with it. As Tambu leaves Nyasha explains that she doesn't have a friend to laugh with, and she will not eat anything by the time Tambu comes back, Nyasha is about to starve herself to death.

In Chapter 10 Tambu shows up to find that she is being crammed in with the "African Students". As for Nyasha, Theres no luck finding a African Psychiatrist so they have to use a white one. As they talk to the Psychiatrist, he tells them that because Nyasha is African, she probably is just being bad and needs to be disciplined. This shows the different mindsets that race put people in during this time. Just because Nyasha is black, that means she probably is just acting bad which isn't the case.

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