Monday, March 11, 2013

How environment affects peoples behavior

In Chapter 7, Tambu had to adjust to just about every one of her classmates being white. By the end of the chapter, she was trying to act white to fit in.Everyone has at least one friend that acts a certain way when he or she is alone with you, than when he or she is in a big group. Throughout many different scenarios in life, people are expected to sort of adapt to where they all at all time. Take it from my typical sunday which consists of church, basketball practice, then maybe out to eat. I can't act the same way in church as I would if I was practicing basketball, I couldn't act the same at the restraunt as I would in church, and I can't act the same way in basketball practice as I would in the restaurant, so I'm sure you get my point. Just like we wouldn't act the same sitting through a lecture in a history class as we would watching a LSU football game, Tambu is trying to adapt to her surroundings but she doesn't seem to be making progress.

Reading Times

Nervous Conditions Every Day this week:
1 hour work day
10 minute class time
10 minute class time
10 minute class time
10 minute class time
1 hour at home
1 hour at home

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