Monday, March 25, 2013

What I need to work and Reading Details

I've never been excited to write a paper or report. I get lots of red marks on my rough drafts. So you can say i've always struggled with writing. Although many of my problems come into play as the paper gets more formal and as the MLA format, Margins, and running headers come into play, thrown in there with sentence structure, word choice, and organization= My writing problem.

I can write an awesome creative writing assignment, or free write. Although when I have to go out and search the web, paraphrase, cite, and follow all these rules and regulations, I almost feel like it's not my paper anymore. But it is, with lot's of red marks, so in the future I think i need to get the assignment completed quickly so while everyone is still writing I man manipulate the writing center to get a whole new paper with few red marks. With this being said, I think it would be beneficial to revise my Literary analysis.


3/22Mocking Jay: Suzanne Collins- 1 hour
3/23Mocking Jay: Suzanne Collins- 1 hour
3/24Blind Side: 1 hour


As i got into reading the article discussing Jane Goodall's' new book being taken from another source. I was shocked that such a expireinced writer and public figure made such a huge mistake. Next, I personally know jane Goodall for her work with chimpanzees. Her amazing story was told around the world. This made her to become peoples role model, from seeing her on tv, bill boards, and now reading about her in her new book. Or will we?

As Jane Goodall's book is read and ridiculed by many, it came out that some of her ideas were taken from other sources. I was shocked that she could go through all the steps of publishing a book without anyone editing, revising, or even noticing her work is based on other peoples ideas. If i was in  Goodall's situation I would probably go to the press and explain my innocence, if I really was. This situation will really make me be extra careful in revising my work even if I didn't get information from anywhere. Because if such a public figure in science can make this mistake, anyone can.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Nervous Conditions For next year? and Reading Times

    This year, as started Nervous Conditions I was pretty skeptical in reading it because of the foreign 
words and culture. Although as we got into the novel and started discussing it, I got very interested in 
the book and I began to enjoy it. By the time we finished Nervous Conditions, I was excited that we finished, although it was the best book iv'e read in all of my required reading. 

    Usually as I'm required to read books, there usually symbolic and deep books such as, To kill a Mockingbird. Whereas, in Nervous Conditions it was deep but easy to comprehend for me. As for next year, I think this novel should definitely be included in the syllabus simply because of it's story and themes that I haven't read in any-other book such as, female repression and gender inequality.

    Although I personally enjoyed Nervous Conditions, I can also see why people would not like to read this book, simply because of the plot. The plot in nervous Conditions is far from action packed, and most Post colonial novels tend to be like this. Although Not everyone will like the fact that it's an old setting, theres little action, and many characters. That was probably the hardest thing to deal with, the characters come very quickly in the book, and theres many names and relationships that you must understand in order to comprehend this Novel.

    Thats where the Layered projects came into play as we read Nervous Conditions. The option to pick what projects we wanted to do was a huge benefactor. Not only did we get to choose what projects we wanted to complete, but they were also broken up into an A layer, B layer, C layer 1, and C layer 2. Being due at all different times made the Nervous Conditions reading much better especially for people like me who, if the projects were all due at the end of the reading, would probably do all the projects at the last minute. Lastly, being able to chose what you wanted to do for the projects allowed you to focus on your weakness'. For me, I chose Character bookmark because I had a hard time Keeping up with the  Relations and Features of each Character.

   In conclusion, I would definitely recommend including Nervous Conditions in next years Syllabi. From the morals, unique themes, to never before seen culture, this book required me to read this book unlike iv'e ever read any other book before. I had to do this because off the Challenging Vocabulary, Characters, and Themes that iv'e never been exposed to before. With that being said, I would Definitely think reading this book for years to come would be beneficial to all it's readers to come.

3/14/13- Nervous Conditions Playlist- 1 hour
3/15/13- Nervous Conditions project work (Playlist and Film Study) - 2 hours Mocking Jay- 45 Minutes
3/16/13- Mocking Jay- 1 hour
3/17- Mocking jay 1 hour

Monday, March 11, 2013

Free Post

As most people are aware this week marks the first week of Day light savings time. So because it's Spring, we "Spring Forward" as everyone changes their clocks to one hour ahead, everyone also looses an hour of sleep. Not only do you lose an hour of sleep during this part of the year, it also gets darker one hour earlier. That being said, if I wanted to go out and shoot basketballs at 7:30, it would already be pitch black.

If you can;t already tell, I'm not a fan of Daylights savings time what-so-ever. In math today we discussed ways that we could prevent daylights saving time. Maybe by using 24 hour military time, we would'nt have am and pm and that could affect the Day light savings time. So far it looks like we will have daylights savings time forever, although if anyone has an idea, just comment.

How environment affects peoples behavior

In Chapter 7, Tambu had to adjust to just about every one of her classmates being white. By the end of the chapter, she was trying to act white to fit in.Everyone has at least one friend that acts a certain way when he or she is alone with you, than when he or she is in a big group. Throughout many different scenarios in life, people are expected to sort of adapt to where they all at all time. Take it from my typical sunday which consists of church, basketball practice, then maybe out to eat. I can't act the same way in church as I would if I was practicing basketball, I couldn't act the same at the restraunt as I would in church, and I can't act the same way in basketball practice as I would in the restaurant, so I'm sure you get my point. Just like we wouldn't act the same sitting through a lecture in a history class as we would watching a LSU football game, Tambu is trying to adapt to her surroundings but she doesn't seem to be making progress.

Reading Times

Nervous Conditions Every Day this week:
1 hour work day
10 minute class time
10 minute class time
10 minute class time
10 minute class time
1 hour at home
1 hour at home

Nervous Conditions: Chapter 9-10

In Chapter 9 It is revealed that Education is affecting not only Tambu, but her family as well. As the chapter progresses, Tambu is offered a scholarship although Babamukuru won't allow her to go. Later, after talking to Jeremiah, Tambu is finally given the chance to leave the mission to go to this "White School". Ma'shingayi suffers from anxiety that her daughter is attending this english based school and is having a hard time dealing with it. As Tambu leaves Nyasha explains that she doesn't have a friend to laugh with, and she will not eat anything by the time Tambu comes back, Nyasha is about to starve herself to death.

In Chapter 10 Tambu shows up to find that she is being crammed in with the "African Students". As for Nyasha, Theres no luck finding a African Psychiatrist so they have to use a white one. As they talk to the Psychiatrist, he tells them that because Nyasha is African, she probably is just being bad and needs to be disciplined. This shows the different mindsets that race put people in during this time. Just because Nyasha is black, that means she probably is just acting bad which isn't the case.

Nervous Conditions: Chapter 8

Chapter 8 stuck out to me because of the way the title ties into this book. As a began the book I had no idea what a nervous condition in Zimbawe could be. Putting aside small hints at what this nervous condition is throughout the book, here in chapter 8 is the only time we get a full explanation of what this Nervous condition is. As Tambu thinks about the wedding she feels horrible crawling, breathless tension, and she feels like she can't speak up and tell her mother how she feels about this wedding. She feels anxious about how Babamukuru is forcing this event upon her aunt. In addition to this outbreak of what the nervous condition is, Maiguru stands up to Babamukuru, but she still stays together with him which makes Nyasha upset.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Nervous Conditions: Chapter 6-7

Chapter six was crazy. It starts off as Tambu looks at the difference between whites and blacks, and ends with a life changing event to some characters... Many people get in small fights with their parents whether it's regularly or rarely, usually it isn't a huge deal. Although that wasn't the case with Nyasha. Her father tried to kill her after their argument over what the wore to her first social event. So far in this book there has been numerous occasions where family members try to kill each other, it's like they don't care if there gone.Along with the horrific behavior Babamukuru showed in chapter 6, his reputation is ruined rethought to be a bad person. Tambu, who loved her Uncle probably will never feel the same way again. 

In chapter 7 there was many events that went on in the duration of this chapter.  From returning home to when Lucias baby one theme was evident throughout this chapter, poverty. Along with some racism, poverty is displayed in a big way in this chapter. When Tambu returns from the mission to her home where it is old, run down, and falling apart she tries to tidy up a bit with Nyasha. But not much got accomplished as they still are living a hard, poor life.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Reflection on c layer and Persona of Nyasha

The most useful project Iv'e done so far was definitely the character bookmark. Although it was a little time consuming in coming up with descriptions and relationships, it was a fairly easy thing to accomplish that will benefit you greatly in the long run. Overall, my projects in c layer 1 have been good for me. Being able to choose which assignments I had to complete was awesome for me. I feel like I did a good job staying on top of whats going on rather than waiting till the last second to complete the project.

So just like every teenager I usually spend the night out with my friends, we laugh, have fun or whatever, and sometimes theres that awkward situation where your friend and his/her parent get in a big fight and you don't know what to do or say. You just sort of wait till it passes over, awkwardly pretending not to pay attention. But there is that situation where the parent wants to kill her child...

In chapter 6 Tambu was that friend. If I was watching my friends dad try to kill my friend, let alone my cousin I think I'd be so overwhelmed that i probably wouldn't know what to do. I'd probably just be in shock that what I think I saw, actually happened. After the "Dad" calmed down I'd probably have to leave, it would change my whole opinion on what type of person he really is, which is I think what Tambu did to Babamukuru. Let's just say I won't be spending the night at Nyasha's house.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Nervous Conditions: 4-5

In Chapter 4 not much went on in my opinion. The family headed over to the mission where Tambu was worried about everything to come. Also, Nyasha is talking back, reading inappropriate books, and Tambu doesn't think she can room with her but she's forced to learn how.

Although, in chapter 5, it was like a book in itself. SO many different things happened. As we begin this chapter Tambua and Nyasha are fighting. Then at the family dinner, Nyasha and Maiguru get in another fight about her inappropriate book. The next day Nyasha and Tambu head to school where Tambu is not liked. She tries to change her, everything, to be more like the whites who attend her schoool. Lastly, Nyasha teaches Tambu to use a tampon which only the white people really knew about, by the end of this chapter Tambu was speaking English.