Monday, March 24, 2014

Romanticism in Herland

     In Herland, Romanticism highly influences the character Ellador. Ellador has a desire to gain understanding of nature and understand the idea of human nature and it’s purity. She believes that Herland, as a society, is getting better. However, Ellador feels that if the men of Herland do not step up, then Herland will forever be mediocre.
     Ellador is also in a relationship with Van. She believes in an equal relationship among man and women. With that being said, the love between Ellador and Van represents Romanticism. Lastly, Jeff and Terry both have a different approach toward woman. Jeff believes in a “Southern Gentleman” approach toward women. He believes that they should be adored and put on a pedestal. However, Terry believes in a foolish approach toward women. He is brutal and has a demeaning approach to women. With that being said, Romanticism is also shown from the two men sharing their ideas about love.

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