Sunday, January 27, 2013

Research Explination and reading time

   Hey Mom, we're doing this project at school and i picked human trafficking. You probably don't know what that is so ill go ahead and tell you. Human Trafficking is the illegal movement of people taken from someone who uses trickery to promise a better life, education, or jobs. It's a huge problem in our world that's growing very quickly because it's a low risk- high reward crime. You may still wonder why you haven't heard about this, thats because it mainly happens in the poor middle easter countries such as thailand. Lastly these slaves are taken hostage and forced to work without pay and mainly used as sex slaves.

   How could you not understand that mom? Human trafficking is an illegal movement or trade of human beings for forced labor or as sex slaves. This problem is booming in the broke countries of the middle east. The poor protection that countries such as Thailand have cannot get the job done to put this crime to an end. These criminals make millions of dollars just of one human being because they can be sold many times. Human trafficking is even surpassing the drug dealing industry because unlike drugs they buy humans and they don't go away or run out.

Slavery:Bondage through history- 1 hour Pg. 1-52

Slavery:Bondage through history- 1 hour Pg. 52-109
research project: 30 minutes (sources)
research project: 1 hour (sources)
research project: 1 hour (sources)


  1. This is a very morbid, but urgent topic Tad. How did you come up with it?

  2. Good explanation of what trafficking is; work on answering your research question more specifically. Keep watching those "i"s - you have two here that aren't capitalized, including an "ill" instead of "I'll."
