Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapter 3: Nervous Conditions

As Chapter 3 progresses, 2 big themes appeared to me within the events that went on. The first one is education, as everyone makes a big deal about Babamukuru, Tambus uncle, arrival but as her cousins  , arrive they don't know Shona Language anymore but english. This really hits hard on Tambu as she can't communicate with her cousins she was so close to. Next, Babamukuru suggested that Education could get Tambu's family out of poverty and struggle. Although everyones mind is on Nhamo's education and Tambu gets left out.

Next, Gender plays a huge role in this chapter. The whole reason Tambu can't get her beloved education is because she's a girl. Next, Tambu is ordered to walk are the bowl which everyone washes their hands in. Tambu gets confused in all of this hierarchy and feels like she is at the bottom of it. Next as Jeremiah's side of the family suggests that Nhamo should live with them. As he gets all excited, he gloats to Tambu about this only to get a rock hurled a his face.

1 comment:

  1. This response really keeps your focus on analysis. Nice work.
