Thursday, February 28, 2013

Research Paper Reflection

During the process of this paper I fell behind. Not only because of a few days I was sick, but i also procrastinated and worked on Nervous Conditions some as i should've been submitting my paper, which was hard to shy away from doing. Although I learned a lot of things by writing this paper from MLA works cited to the difference of affects and effects, I feel like Iv'e improved as a writer and i'm ready for the next paper. While next time I should look for more help earlier on in my writing process such as going to the writing center, and using my tutorial's to my advantage. I recieved pretty good feedback from my writing group in class and i also had a guy on my basketball team edit my paper when I was sick. Also Dr. D helped me out tremendously by giving me this extension.

My strong points are my introduction and conclusions. Usually I tend to be better at those than the body paragraphys in which I struggle keeping readers attention and developing my paper. Lastly as Dr. D reads my paper theres not much I would like her to know. Iv'e gone to her many times so she probably knows the problems Iv'e had completing and writing my paper.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapter 3: Nervous Conditions

As Chapter 3 progresses, 2 big themes appeared to me within the events that went on. The first one is education, as everyone makes a big deal about Babamukuru, Tambus uncle, arrival but as her cousins  , arrive they don't know Shona Language anymore but english. This really hits hard on Tambu as she can't communicate with her cousins she was so close to. Next, Babamukuru suggested that Education could get Tambu's family out of poverty and struggle. Although everyones mind is on Nhamo's education and Tambu gets left out.

Next, Gender plays a huge role in this chapter. The whole reason Tambu can't get her beloved education is because she's a girl. Next, Tambu is ordered to walk are the bowl which everyone washes their hands in. Tambu gets confused in all of this hierarchy and feels like she is at the bottom of it. Next as Jeremiah's side of the family suggests that Nhamo should live with them. As he gets all excited, he gloats to Tambu about this only to get a rock hurled a his face.

Chapter 1-2: Nervous Conditions

In chapter one Tambu, the narrator, begins this novel by saying "I was not sorry when my brother died", This introduction sentence really drew me in as a reader. I was shocked as Tambu proceeds to explain how bright and smart Nhamo was said to be, but she wasn't sorry when he died. Then, as Tambu flashes back to remember when Nhamo felt like he was higher than the rest of his family as he makes his sisters, Netsai and Tambu, carry his bags.

So far we don't have a concrete plot or theme evident in this chapter. Although as Tambu closes chapter 1, she says that she doesn't really like anyone, not even her parents for that matter. There have been hints of poverty and hierarchy or class that i expect to see more of in chapter 2 and so forth.

We begin chapter 2 with many memories of Tambus past life and experiences especially with her grandmother. Tambu is told about the lives woman have and the jobs women must do daily, but in the meantime tambu's mind is still on her education. Because her father is keeping all the money for himself and Nhamos education, Tambu decides to sell "meelies" which are like maize on a cob.

Although things begin to heat up as Tambu finds out her brother is steeling her meelies and giving them away to the sunday school people for free, as tambu finds out she looses all respect for her brother as she runs at him in attempt to kill him. Then Mr. Mutumbo, the Teacher of the Sunday school breaks them up, he advises tambu to sell her meelie at the church to the white people. This is when we start to develop a theme, racism. As a white couple walks up to Tambu's stand they instantly insult it and say this is not what they should be apart of. But they get the money only because Mr. Mutumbo tells the couple that Tambu is a Orphan.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Reading Times

Reading and writing times

2/11/13 - Work on Research paper ( Integrating quotes in my paper) 45 minutes
2/14/13- Work on Research paper (Integrating Sources from more sources in my paper)- One Hour
2/15/13- Work on Research Paper (Fixing Editing Mistakes and Fragments) 45 minutes
2/16/13- 1 chapter of nervous Conditions and (work on conclusion and introduction)- 45 minutes

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Research Times and Reading

January 26- 1 Hour of detailed outline work ( wrote out my topics ) (added information) read 15 minutes sold: 4-30

January 27- 1 hour of Detailed Outline Work ( Got more support ) (worked on Thesis) Read 2 hours of Slavery: Bondage throughout history 6- 130

January 28-  40 minutes ( final formatting and editing) read: 30 minutes of Sold pg 30- 65