Friday, December 14, 2012

Chapter 12 LOTF

In chapter 12 Jack wants to kill ralph so he sets the island on fire which gets them rescued. They get rescued by an officer on a ship. This is the first grownup on the island. Jack did not want to be rescued because he liked the power of being a leader. In the whole book this is foreshadowed that Jack is power hungry.

Chapter 10 and 11 LOTF

In chapter 10 Jack and his tribe goes and steals Piggy's glasses which mean they do not have a fire anymore, now Piggy is blind. The Symbolic glasses represent Piggy's setbacks in life. There the only thing that gives Piggy sight, without them he is nothing.

In chapter 11  Ralph's group goes to Castle Rock to get Piggy's glasses back. When they arrive Roger drops a rock on Piggy and he dies. When Roger drops the rock on Piggy the Conch is shattered and so is Piggy.  Lastly Samneric are tied by Jack

chapter 8 and 9 LOTF

In chapter 8 Jack's tribe beats, batters, and bites Simon to death. The whole chapter has dark colors like grey and black representing power and death. The usual reaction to someone dying is sorrow and sadness, and regret that they died. Although in this case theres no signs of remorse.

In chapter 9 the main happening that stood out was when Jack and Roger rape the pig. This stands out because the only girl in the whole book is the pig, i was wondering when the girl was going to come on an island. The pink on the Pig represent girls and innocence. The Pig was innocent and Jack and Roger killed and raped the pig in a vivid, disturbing scene.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Reading focus update: Colors

My focus is phisical setting. Since it changes to many times thorugh each chapter, its hard to have one thing to explain to you. Although the colors in the chapters are very important, and I think it would be good for others that don't know the meaning of them to know.

Pink is a color found in many things from the rocks to the only animal on the island, the Pig. Not only does pink represent the girls, ironically not found in this book besides the female pig, but pink represents nuturing, and unconditional love which are some traits found in Piggy between the other boys. No matter how much he is mistreated, he still unconditionally loves everyone.

More colors found in Lord of the Flies are Red, representing power and strength. Black, which represents death and authority. The last main color found is white, representing purity and innocence. More colors found are green, the color of nature, blue, the color of the sky and sea, representing loyalty and itellegence.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

My Books for the Semester

This semester iv'e read the most, and the most interesting books ever for me. Catching fire by Suzanne Collins was one of the most intriguing books iv'e ever read. My side of the Mountian was also very intriguing, i'd picture myself as the boy in the book trying to survive off the land, for fun! A long with these great books the highly popular book called  The Oustsiders was a must read for me once i heard everyone talking about it. 

Although i'm typically not a big reader, iv'e found out instead of just going to the library and picking the shortest book possible you should find something you will enjoy reading, and The books above are prime examples of that for me. Reading these novels has taught me what everyone was saying when "its like watching tv", at first i was like ha! yeah right books are so boring and what's the point of the author saying something in the text, but he "means" something else, like if he wanted to say that why didn't he just put that in the book.  Although that's what most teenage boys thing when books a come around, reading has taught me to see why the author but themes, foreshadowing, and symbols in the text instead of just saying what he wants us to figure out which makes me enjoy reading so much more than last year. Finding out what the authors symbols, and text mean is actually exciting now thanks to these books, and Lord Of the Flies of course.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Chapter 6 and 7 LOTF

As Ralph and Simon carry a littlun back to the shelter, airplanes pass over the boys with powerful noise. They were amongst a military battle in the skies. Smoke covered clouds, and explosions were going off often. As Jack leads a search group through and up the mountains the boys start messing around and Ralph harshly reminds them what there after, the beast. Ralph shows some more leadership qualities in this chapter, but i'm starting to wonder if the other boys want him to be their leader, or maybe they need them as their leader.

chapter 7 was the most vivid, most disturbing chapter iv'e read so far. Jack shows disturbing traits of evil. In the previous chapters i was curious how Jacks character was going to evolve, it was  unpleseant  to read the passage of the description of Jack and the other boys killing and "other things" to the female pig. I wonder how this event will affect Jack's newly discovered traits in the future.

4 and 5 of LOTF

Chapter 4 at first was very confusing, i couldn't tell if heat was coming to be and issue or not. When they see things in the water i didn't know if it was due to overheated kids, or the fruits that made the litluns sick. Amongst all this confusion on part that really stood out to me was when Jack slapped piggy. Eager to kill a pig, Jack tries again to kill a pig but this time he is sucscesfull. Jack is so happy his emotions get away from him and displays a lot of imaturaty. As Piggy is trying to stop his child like acts, Jack slaps him causing one of his lenses to break. Jack as a character is evolving to be a psycho like boy, i don't know what to expect from him as i keep reading.

In Chapter 5 after Ralph takes his long walk on the beach, he blows the conch for another meeting. This time he calls the meeting to try to restore order between everyone in the Island. Although as the meeting goes on, talks about the monster in the woods arise. The litluns say that they have seen this beast. WHen Jack tortures piggy even farther, he runs away, suggesting that ralph should blow the conch to bring him back he doesn't, and the meeting rolls into chaos.

Chapter 2 and 3 of LOTF

Chapter 2 reminder me of the exercise we did when we started this book. As Ralph is agreeing that there needs to be hunting, he makes the conch shell like a talking stick. Everyone is sort of obeying ralph, he is representing order between everyone on the island. As the meeting continues Ralph is viewed more and more as the leader. Later in the chapter the boys take wood and head to the top of the mountain. As the light shines through Piggy's glasses the boys set off a huge fire on the mountain top.

In chapter 3 Jack, and his hunters are tracking  a pick through the woods while the other boys are working on huts. Jack comes up empty on catching food, pigs especially. When ralph is  working on huts he starts to get angry because he is failing to keep the hut from falling down, also he is angry that most of the other boys including Jack aren't helping him at all. Simon on the other hand comes off as a mysterious, shady, or sketchy charecter. He walks into the forest alone and meditates, but just as i think he excludes himself from all the other boys on the island, he helps the younger kids get fruit from the tree, displaying helpfulness. So far i'm sort of confused on what to think bout Simon at the moment.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Free Post: Broken Fibula (Just noticed thus was a draft)

A few weeks ago I was having the best basketball practice ever. I was passing, defending, and scoring with ease. Until, I went up for a rebound and landed on my teamates shoe relustin in my fibula to snap completly near my ankle. The doctor said I would have to be on crutches for a few weeks with a cast and then maybe progress into a walking boot, but i have been taking really good care of it so I will never need a cast.

Recently, I have been trying to do a little more than I was advised to. Just sitting their watching P.E. classes, recess football, and sports practices is really hard for me because I want to be out there running with everyone else.  Although its awful to not play my favorite sports, I know it will be worth it later when i'm healed.

Reading Times

 My Side of the Mountain- 1 Hour
My Side of the Mountain- 1 Hour
LOFT- 1 Hour